* Simple Happiness - Dating Rut no more

Just as Jim Ryan spoke about yesterday at our Valentines Book Mingle for Singles, at the Village Bookshoppe in Rockville Centre, being HAPPY is a choice.*Here is a Link to Jim's web site to check that book out "SIMPLE HAPPINESS"…There are also so many ways we seem to get stuck in a rut and staying unhappy:For example…maybe you started wearing a permanent ponytail because you're just too tired to do anything different with your hair in the morning.Or you find yourself eating a chicken Caesar salad every day for lunch because you can't think of anything else to make.Maybe you are sticking it out at a job you despise because looking for a new career seems too overwhelming.And here's one we singles can ALL relate to:Getting down on your dating life (or relationship) because you think that no dates/lousy dates/fighting/not getting your needs met…[insert your scenario here] is the best that you deserve or is just your fate.Well guess what?YOU DESERVE LOVE AND HAPPINESS BEYOND MEASURE.You are NOT fated to be lonely or unfulfilled. And the sooner you get outof your dating rut, the sooner you can start experiencing the kind of love that is available to you ! Ruts can be broken with just a simple change of your mindset.Just looking at being single from a different perspective can immediately rejuvenate and re-energize you to take action to do something DIFFERENT... and even small shifts in attitude can cause immediate positive results!Take a look at your dating life or relationship. Are you stuck in a rut today? Whether you're facing an emotional, physical, or spiritual block, you CAN get out of it AND experience the satisfaction, love and fulfillment you've always wanted.And getting out and participating at our single events will help!Today, I'm sharing an INSPIRATION STORY from a real women who experienced life-changing results from a simple shift in attitude.It is my sincere hope that her email will inspire you to believe that you CAN get out of your dating rut and seize the happiness you truly deserve.********************************************************************"Dear Gail,If you recall- when I first got divorced and contacted you, I was the one that you told to not make every singles event a man mission… to not put all my eggs in one basket, get out there after my divorce, do different activities… learn new things. SO I took your advice, I used a lot of my new found idle time, and did take some classes, tried new things I was passionate about and I started to feel fulfilled and happier. And just as I really started to get comfortable with my singleness, guess what happened? I met a guy. I mean I met THE guy.When I first starting attending your events, I'd been doing online dating for more than a year and a half, with only a few half-hearted coffee dates to show for it. No keepers and some losers, but it was all experience anyway. I started to attend your events in Nov.2009, and meeting singles in person, attending several different kinds of fun events with my new attitude/ outlook about being single. Whatever happens … happens.. And guess what happened a couple of months ago? I ran into a gentlemen I had met at one of your events. Normally I would not have felt comfortable in chatting with a guy I just met, but because we had met at one of your events already, I felt comfortable.  I really started to see him in a different light, and had a hunch about him, he was someone special. He asked if he could call me and now we have been dating since December now, and have discovered we are made for each other! He totally understands and loves that I'm busy with my own projects, and because both of us know we have the rest of our lives to do all the stuff we want to (no rush). I've never been happier - we totally fit together in the easiest of ways. . He is gorgeous (he doesn't even know it) and 5 times as beautiful on the inside.Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for holding these events and your support. That $38 bucks I spent at your last Speed Dating event changed my life so much that words cannot express how grateful I feel.Thank you!“M”**************************************************************And a very grateful THANK YOU “M” and all those singles out there that take the time to share their stories! PS – Got a friend that needs some encouragement?Forward this blog – they’ll thank you for it!GailOpinions? Comments? Personal experiences?You can comment below anonymously or email medirect at info@7-in-heaven.com visit the web site to check out our funevents http:// www.7-in-heaven.com


* It took 7 times to get together !
