Gail Adams Gail Adams

Please explain the different kinds of events you have ? And which one is best for me

1. Speed Dating

This event is very structured, if you are shy, and tend to feel awkward in social situations, this may be the best event for you.
At a Speed Dating event, you will meet everyone. (of the opposite gender ) the event is gender balanced.

The first 30 mins, will allow you to enter, get acclimated - you will be assigned a seat, get a drink at the bar, or soft drink, appetizers are served.

*Only at SPEED DATING - Please refrain from asking anyone for contact information or giving out contact information (not even a business card) at Speed Dating Events.
At Speed Dating Events: those that are interested in keeping in touch with you, will indicate that on the Speed Dating selection sheet. Your "MATCHES", will receive your contact information the next day, and you will receive their contact information.

Read more about SPEED DATING here

2. Dinner Parties

Requires some of your own social skills, somewhat structured, as you will be in an open mingle in lounge area before dinner. Then we have age appropriate table seating for dinner. Tables will have anywhere from 6-10 persons at a table. *Table sitting can be changed if needed, but otherwise, you will be with the table I assign you when you arrive.
At dinner parties, you can openly exchange numbers with others, or wait for my follow-up email the next day, and I will send your person of interest, your contact information to stay in touch. If there is a mutual interest, they will get in touch with you.

*Note I do not give out anyone’s contact info, last name, or town you live in to anyone, unless you email me a request to do so.

3. Sports and other Activities

This event is best for those that want to share an experience and are fairly good at socializing on your own. You will need to make an effort to move around and chat during the activity or sporting event.
I personally love this type of event, as you are free to chat with whomever you like, and have a common reason to start up a conversation! The event is usually a team effort and with others giving support to each other.
Easy way while make new friends with a common interest.

OK to openly exchange numbers with others, or wait for follow-up email the next day.

4. Mingles and large dance parties

OK Singles at this event, as I like to say - the "training wheels are off"
It's a party, a mixer, and it is your responsibility to well... mingle.
If you are shy, and have trouble with large crowds, and chatting it up with strangers, then this may not be your event.
Yes, you could come with a friend ... but think about this... if you come with a friend, you may find, you will meet less new singles.
Because you have your buddy to talk with, it will make you less interested in pushing yourself to connect with others at the event. And it does make you less approachable to others, maybe someone just wants to talk to you and not your friend too
Check out this section will I feel comfortable attending alone

But for those that love the freedom of moving around without structure, this is your event ! You get to talk to whom you want to talk to. I do sometimes - try to throw out some icebreakers. Example - Super Bowl Sunday Mixer - I have a "bingo trivia" game where people go around and have to ask others for answers.

OK to openly exchange numbers with others, or wait for follow-up email the next day

Most importantly

Please AT ALL EVENTS try to be a participant, not a spectator in life.

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

What exactly is a Speed Dating event?

Speed Dating- an easy way to meet several singles in a particular age group in one night

History: The concept of "Speed Dating" has been around for 20+ years! Speed dating actually started in Los Angeles in 1998 when the first event was held by Rabbi Yaacov Devo, at Pete’s Café in Beverly Hills CA Speed Dating eventually crossed the Atlantic and is hot in the UK and many other parts of the world now!

Objective: The goal of these events is to help busy active singles, have a chance to meet with several singles in person; face-to-face, in a pleasant non-threatening, private environment. Its very organized and great way for shy introverted singles to meet.

7 in Heaven Speed Dating events are held in nice restaurants which serve excellent food, not loud bar room pubs.

We have 6 separate Age Groups for our events, starting at age 25 and up to 73+

How Speed Dating works: I like to say, it's a bit like musical chairs!

When you arrive for Speed Dating, you are greeted by the host and given your assigned table number. Everyone meets at the bar area to mingle before our event begins. Appetizers are also included in the price of our regular Speed-Dating Events and the first drink is on US! We then go to a separate private area with tables.

When we begin, the host will give you a brief overview and instructions before we get started.

Women stay at the same table all evening, while the men participants progress around the room to a different table meeting a new "date” every 7 minutes (hence the name "7 in Heaven")

We ring a “cowbell” at the end of each date, which signals the men to move to the next table to meet the next women. This continues until all participants have met each other.

We provide everything you will need.

Pens, and papers with everyone's name you will be meeting with; will be listed on the sheets provided. As you meet each person, you mark YES or NO if you would like to meet with that particular person again.

At the end of the evening, everyone turns in their sheet.

The following day, emails are sent to you with a complete report on your matches.

Even those that picked you (that you did NOT pick) sometimes referred to as "one way matches" are reported to you.

(Note: we can give you a phone call if you do not have email - please inform host)

In addition to those you meet one-on-one in your rotations, you'll have the opportunity to meet and mingle with the other participants before the event and after the event. At 7 in Heaven Speed Dating events, you do get one drink FREE and appetizers included in the price. Additional food and drinks are available for purchase through the venue and are at the participant's personal expense. *No additional minimum purchases required!

See our current Speed Dating Schedule

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

What is the age group for events?

We believe that one size does not fit all. Therefore we have a total of 6 different age groups!

If your age falls into more than one group, choose the one that fits you best

*For Speed Dating we do allow a 1-year grace on ages if you just "aged-up"

We do verify your age for speed dating (see below).


AGE GROUP A (25-39)

AGE GROUP B (34-48)

AGE GROUP B+ (40-55)

AGE GROUP C (44-59)

AGE GROUP C+ (50-65)

AGE GROUP D (60-75)

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

Do you check ID (proof) ages before entering a Speed Dating event?

I do not "proof" your age by asking for a driver's license at the door of a Speed Dating event.

We respect your privacy, because by giving a drivers licence, not only do you give your name/birthdate/address, also collected is your height, eye color, drivers license number and your signature. It is my own personal belief that this practice is insensitive and embarrassing when you arrive at a social event such as Speed Dating. Also, by waiting to "proof at the door" you create a mismatched unequal gender balance if someone gets turned away when they arrive!

We do ask everyone to complete a Registration Form BEFORE you attend a speed dating event.

Your name, age and contact information is verified by internet research before you attend.

If you have lied about your age, you will be asked to check the Speed Dating schedule, and choose a different Speed Dating event in the correct age group you belong in.

We do allow a one year grace if you have recently "aged up" by one year within the top age group number.

If you discover someone did not represent themselves in an honest manner, you are welcome to let me know. I will redirect or remove this person from future events if needed.

These rules apply to BOTH men and women. Therefore, we do our best to deliver to you, what is advertised when it comes to ages.

My events are fun, friendly, and social because of these rules.

*If you plan on lying about your age, you are only cheating yourself out of meeting a wonderful person.

Let’s face it... at some point while dating, you are going to have to come clean about your age. And no one wants to start a relationship with someone that lies. They will wonder what else are you lying about? And then it will be too late, as you only get one chance to make a first impression.

NOTE we do not verify ages for activity or sport type events with mixed age groups.

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

Where are the singles events held?

Long Island:

  • Nassau - North Shore Nassau, South Nassau

  • Suffolk County - Western Suffolk + Mid to Eastern Suffolk

Over the years we have been privileged to host at some very nice upscale hotels and restaurants on Long Island with a nice atmosphere and excellent food

Here is the short list of some of our current places we visit for Dinner Parties and Speed dating:



Activity Events

We are always open to trying new exciting upscale places to hold our events. If you have a favorite place please let us know!

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

Do people really connect and match up at these events?

YES connections happen all the time!

There have been hundreds of long term connections, friendships and marriages all that started by attending 7 in Heaven events over the past 14 years. Not all connections and marriages are posted, as many wish to keep their privacy. But we do have some brave souls that have given us permission to air their love stories!

No one knows exactly when and where your long term connection will happen for you, but coming to our fun events will make it much easier and certainly increase your odds.

Check out our Testimonials page to view some of our successful happy connections.

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

How well can you get to know someone in 7 minutes?

While it's obvious that 7 minutes is not sufficient time to get to know someone in any great depth, your goal should be to determine whether the person you are meeting is someone that you would like to follow up with and possibly see again. Meeting someone face-to-face has some real advantages over online dating. Sometimes sparks really do fly with instant chemistry! But at the very least, the shroud of unknown associated with the internet is a not an issue. Try concentrating on the questions you ask and the observations you make of each person you meet. This will be the most valuable way to making your assessment.

*Before you attend one of our 7 in Heaven events, you can get some tips and suggestions to help you prepare to attend one of our events from the Dating Tips page.

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

What information do you give my matches at a Speed Dating?

Following a Speed Dating Event, I email all participants their results. Results arrive either the same day or early the next morning.
*Anyone without an email can call us for their matches.

Everyone that has attended will receive an email with the results from that event, even if you received no matches.

A "MATCH" happens when you BOTH check YES on each other.

Your match information will include only the first name of your match and contact information (thier cell numbers and email).

Please note If you do not want either your contact cell number or email given out, then we must know ahead of time in writing directly from you.

7 in Heaven will also let you know the names of the singles that chose you; but you did not choose them in your results. Also referred to as "one way matches" We only provide the first names only + cell/ email to your matches.

YES, you can let us know if you changed your mind about someone, and I will update the matches and give you their contact information too.

Anyone that you picked, that did not pick you; will be informed of your interest, in case they change their minds.

We never give someone you checked NO, your contact info at all. And we only provide the first names only + cell/ email to your matches.

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

Why do you have a Friend Match as an option at a Speed Dating? Aren't we here to date?

Actually, some folks love the "friend option".
Let me explain...

Many people don’t want to “dive in head first” into a relationship, they would rather go slow to figure out if there is a romantic interest. So open up communication and see where it goes

Others are perplexed by this option of “friends first”.
They want a DATE. And feel it’s a waste of time to be "friends first".

Friend’s match is like a decision to "get to know more" before actually stepping out on a date, start out slow, and not rush into anything.

By choosing FRIENDS a man/woman can communicate on the phone to get more time getting to know each other, or meet up for a coffee meet and greet or a simple activity like a walk... and not have the pressure of a "real date". This makes it easier to make a determination if they want to step it up a bit after meeting up a few times. Keep in mind, some of the best relationships have started as "FRIENDS"

But of course, no one wants to get stuck in the "friends zone thing" so make sure you use your street smarts and common sense. .... if someone is stalling a lot, or not answering your calls/texts within 24 hrs or less, or several weeks has passed and the relationship doesn't seem to be going anywhere... cut bait/ties.. move on.

The decision to use the friends option is yours.
So after a speed dating event, if you only want to make contact with those men / women that want to be your "DATE" that is your prerogative

At my events, when a person chooses FRIEND on their sheet and the person chooses DATE ... it becomes a "friend match" for both.

Friend Matches does count as a "Match", as it still is an opportunity to make a connection.

If you don't want to contact that man or woman that chose you as a "FRIEND" that's entirely your choice. Then contact only those that chose you as a DATE again the choice is yours.

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

What happens if I don't receive any matches at a Speed Dating event?

7 in Heaven emails everyone with or without matches, the results of the Speed Dating event you attended the next day. Anyone lacking matches are welcome to attend another of our Speed Dating events for 1/2 price standard admission. That means EVERY reason, regardless of whether it was because you choose no one; or no one choose you. To receive this discount you must have no matches whatsoever.

*Note some restrictions do apply to "No match discount"

*Friend Matches does count as a "Match", as it still is an opportunity to make a connection.

"No match discount" applies only to Speed Dating Events - all other types of activity events does not apply.

*All Coupons have an expiration date- please be aware of that date.

"No match discount" is limited to 1 return only for a speed dating event for no matches.

*All Coupons cannot be applied to past purchases.

*If you make reservations for an event with a coupon discount applied, and you cancel that reservation, discount cannot be reapplied.

*Only one discount allowed per event.

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

What happens if I cancel, don't show up, arrive late, or leave early at an event?

Our Refund / Credit policy is:

72 hr notice or more = REFUND *Must email request
see additional terms and conditions below
** 72 hours notice is from start time of the event ticket. After that time, a credit will be issued
1-3 day prior notice = CREDIT on file *Must email request
No show / last min cancellations the day of event = no credit/ no refund ticket sale is final

NO SHOW, CANCELLING day of event or LAST MIN; arriving very LATE,
or LEAVING the event early = NON-REFUNDABLE
Ticket Sale is final and no future credit will be applied.

In the event that you need to cancel and give proper 1-3 day prior notice by email, we will allow you a credit toward a future event, or a *refund ( if you gave 72 hr notice or more)

Send an Email to: gail@7inheavensingles.com ASAP to cancel your reservation.

Credit - Terms and Conditions

*You must give proper notice by email before the event to receive this CREDIT.

*An email confirmation of this credit will be emailed to you once you give proper notice.

*This credit is good for 12 months expiration date towards any event.

*Credit can be used towards any event by sending an email reserve your event.

*Credit cannot be used or applied toward events tickets already purchased; only on future events

*You can carry your balance to the next event if you only use a portion of the credit on file.

*Credit can only be used once - we do not give "CREDIT for CREDIT" if you cancel a 2nd time; meaning if you make a reservation with your credit and cancel that reservation - no future credit is applied.

Refund Requests - Terms and Conditions

Refunds are gladly processed If you give a mim of 72 hours notice or more of cancellation by email
Ticket price refund will be processed upon request minus *$3.90 cancellation fee
*to put your ticket back up for sale again
*the original $1.95 service charge is non-refundable
*Important! Must EMAIL request to receive refund

*EXCEPTION; if WE cancel an event, for weather conditions or other circumstances; full refund available including the service charge if event is not rescheduled to a new date. *If we reschedule to a new date, you can request a refund or take the new date of event

Note, speed-dating events rely on equal numbers of men and women to pair for each round of dates. And many of our activities require prior reservations numbers and pre-payment. Out of consideration for the other participants, please make every effort to attend and be on time. Please appreciate that last minute cancellations and "no shows" or leaving an event early does impact others' participation.

LAST MINUTE cancellations, very LATE arrivals, or LEAVING in the middle of an event and "NO SHOWS" impact others participation.

Therefore, just like any event ticket purchase, there are NO refunds or NO future credits of any kind for a *NO SHOW or arriving very LATE, or LEAVING the event early.

Once your registration is confirmed and paid (your credit or debit card is charged or your check received), the day of the event your sale is final.

If you aren't able to attend a SPEED DATING EVENT at the last minute for which you have registered and paid, out of consideration for others, please exercise the courtesy of letting us know ASAP. Ideally, the best solution is for you to pass along your admission to someone, within the event's stated age group so as not to throw off our balance of matches. If you are unable to send a replacement, we’ll attempt to replace you from a waiting list (if there is one).
NOTE please contact me first before sending any replacements

*No Show explanation If you DO NOT SHOW UP at an event, or show up very LATE after the event has begun, and you have not called or emailed us in advance with 24 hr notice, to let us know you will not be attending, your ticket is NON-REFUNDABLE for your absent and absolutely no credit given towards a future event. This "NO SHOW" also applies if you are rescheduling a CREDIT from a previous cancellation - no future credit will be issued. Same rule is applied for LEAVING AN EVENT EARLY, or showing up very LATE after the event has begun. You have agreed to the terms when you make a payment, and or complete our registration. Tickets the day of the event are NON-REFUNDABLE and no future credit will be applied, for your ticket.

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

What are the rules for General Events and Speed Dating ?

In order to keep the environment fun, low-pressure, comfortable and safe, participants must observe the following:

  1. THIS RULE APPLIES TO ALL EVENTS - Pre-payment reserves your seat.
    All our events, we require pre-payment to reserve a seat/spot.
    Speed Dating requires we balance a list of men and women, prepayment assures that balance.
    We accept all major credit/debit cards for payment
    and we accept Checks -see Check Instructions.
    There are NO CASH options available.
    Read additional PAYMENT TERMS.

  2. THIS APPLIES ONLY to SPEED DATING EVENTS - Do not ask anyone out on a date directly.
    Please refrain from asking anyone for contact information or giving out contact information (not even a business card) at Speed Dating Events.
    At Speed Dating Events: those that are interested in keeping in touch with you, will indicate that on the Speed Dating selection sheet.
    Your "MATCHES", will receive your contact information the next day.
    At other types of events: You may ask directly for contact information.
    Please respect that many attendees, are newly single and are just warming up to their newly single status. Some new singles are attending the event for the sole purpose of either making new friends or the activity at hand. If you are a bit shy about asking or giving your contact information directly, you can send me (Gail) an email the next day, with the name of the person you are interested in, and I will send your contact info to that person. If they are interested, they will contact you.
    *NOTE 7 in Heaven does not give anyone contact information without your permission *SEE FAQ
    *Or ask the coordinator of the event for a MAKE A CONNECTION CARD for a subtle and less direct way of requesting contact information.

  3. THIS APPLIES ONLY to SPEED DATING EVENTS - ONLY at Speed Dating events, there will be an equal proportionate male to female ratio.
    All other activity or sporting events, dances, dinner parties or special events- gender ratio will vary and may not be equal.

  4. THIS APPLIES to ALL EVENTS - You must represent yourself in an honest manner.
    That includes not lying about your age or marital status before signing up for an event. We do ask everyone to complete this registration form prior to attending any Speed Dating event. Your age, and contact information will be verified at that time.
    Fraudulent information given about your age or martial status are grounds for membership termination.

  5. THIS APPLIES to ALL EVENTS - Be respectful of yourself and others.
    You may not ask any sexually explicit questions nor say or do (including gestures) anything that may be interpreted as being threatening or sexually harassing. This also includes any other inappropriate behavior, such as intoxicated individuals, bullying behavior, using events to market yourself or your business by asking for money. Solicitation of any kind is prohibited.
    For the concern and well being of everyone attending our events, we reserve the right to ask anyone with rude, disrespectful or inappropriate behavior to not return to any future events. Membership will be terminated immediately.

  6. THIS APPLIES to ALL EVENTS - Self responsibility for safety and covid.
    Understand any event you partake in, no matter how simple it may be, could involve possible personal injury, or illness from COVID.
    So consider your own safety responsibility when buying a ticket.
    If you are not feeling well, please do not attend the event. We do allow a CREDIT if you contact us the day before the event and cancel your reservation.
    Currently New York State Government has REMOVED the mask or vaccination proof mandate. This means you will NOT need to enter the venue with a mask on, and do NOT have to wear a mask at the event. Note: our restaurants and other venues do not check for vaccination proof, and therefore we do not either.
    This applies to all our restaurant activities, and other venues for activities. Of course, anyone can chose to wear a mask the entire event if they so wish to.
    If you have additional questions about events and covid rules at our events give me a Call or Text me at 631 592 9804
    You agree that by participating in any of our events you are solely responsible and attend at your own risk, you are voluntarily participating in our activities/events, and you assuming all risk of injury to yourself, or possible illness, and agree to release and discharge 7 in Heaven Singles Events from any responsibility, and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of any personal injuries, illness, or property damages/loss that could occur during any time or place we host our events

  7. THIS APPLIES to ALL EVENTS - Date Wisely.
    Although we do ask some basic screening questions and ask for your age, we do not complete any formal type of criminal background checks on anyone attending. Therefore you are completely solely responsible for your interactions with anyone you meet at an event and make any arrangements to date or any other types of meetings arranged.

  8. 7 in Heaven is not a *Personal Matchmaking Service.
    Many singles make great connections at our events, but keep in mind we are a social activity club giving you fun opportunities to meet singles.

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

Single Dinner Parties, Sports and other Activity Events ... how do you help us make connections?

When it comes to making connections; at our sports and social activity events, connections help differs than a Speed Dating event

Unlike the rules for Speed Dating, you can directly ask someone for their contact information, or give yours to whom ever you wish

BUT...I know it can be awkward to approach someone and outright ask for their contact information, and if the other person isn't interested it can be uncomfortable for them also.

So, at activity social or sporting events, if you see someone you would like to meet again, First very important... please take note of their name
(everyone wears a name tag)

The following day I send an email to everyone, asking if anyone had any "missed connections" and invite you to let me know if you would like to stay in touch with anyone you met?

I will notify the person (or persons) by email, and let them know you are interested in staying in touch with them outside the events.

They will receive your contact information so they can get in touch with you.
If there is a mutual interest, they will contact you.

If you don't hear back, no worries, there’s always more singles to meet next time. Hey nothing ventured, nothing gained right?
So be proactive and send me that email with who interested you.

I am here to help you; and it’s my pleasure to assist you make those connections.

*NOTE- NO ONE receives your contact information without your permission.

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

Will I feel uncomfortable if I attend an event alone?

Attending a 7 in Heaven SPEED DATING or Activity/Sport Event is actually a very comfortable format for singles to attend alone.

If you plan on attending alone, good for you, as this is the best way to make new friends, both male and female. When you are busy socializing with your buddy, you don't socialize with as many singles. If you alert me when you arrive that you have come alone, I am always glad to introduce you to those that have already arrived. Once a Speed Dating event begins, you will be so busy you won't even have time to notice you are alone! The choice is yours, come alone or come with a friend but have fun either way.

Read Blog Article "Going it alone has it benefits".

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

What are the advantages of Speed Dating and Single Activity Events versus online dating or other ways to meet singles?

Speed Dating and activity events allow you to meet face-to-face with age appropriate single men and women locally where you live and work.

Unlike online dating, you get to meet the girl or guy living on Long Island, not the online dater that lives 1,000 miles away from you. Participants live or work in your area, and are looking to find a successful relationship locally. At our events you'll find your chances for success in finding the right match for yourself, is much higher then online dating. For example...we all know how many MR. or MRS. Married-and- cheating are using the online dating sites these days as a way to meet unsuspecting singles. Here since you never know who you will be meeting, it is less likely to meet the married and cheating guy or gal. Using online dating you end up emailing and talking on the phone to get acquainted, which allows people to easily be something they are not. Many post fake or old pictures of themselves. Here at our single events you are meeting face-to-face with men and women, so what you see is what you get!

Unlike meeting at the Laundromat or grocery store or at work, everyone has the same agenda - single and looking to meet someone special!

The events make it easy to meet other singles. You don't need to worry about whether or not anyone will talk to you. At Speed Dating, there's no need to fear rejection because at the event no one is allowed to ask someone for a date.

Your whole evening isn't monopolized by someone who doesn't interest you. Unlike those blind dates your friends set you up on and you knew in the first 5 mins you want out of here! How many times have you gone out with your friends to a crowded Restaurant/ Bar/ Happy hour and not met one single person in the course of the whole evening? or maybe you did meet someone ... chatted it up for long time, bought her a drink ... only to discover she has a boyfriend.

Speed Dating and activity events are more efficient. In just one evening you'll meet approximately between 7-10 dates *sometimes more, of singles in your age group instead of just one person - saving you time and money.

It's fun!!! Sometimes Speed Dating reminds us a little of musical chairs for grown-ups. But in our grown-up version, no one loses or gets left out.

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

How much will it cost? How can I register for an event?

MEMBERSHIP IS FREE ! 7 in Heaven Singles Events does not charge you any membership fee or commitment beyond the specific event you wish to attend. This affords you a "pay as you go" freedom of choice to pay, rather then pay a large amount for a membership fee which you may not use; especially if you meet someone right away! Registration for our events is simple and after completing the brief registration form, attend any event you wish in your age group. Some events are open to all ages but most events are held by age groups.

Pre-payment reserves your seat

Speed Dating and Activity events require pre-payment to reserve a seat.
*SPEED DATING, requires a balanced list of men and women. And Activity events require a group reservation with an exact number.
Therefore we do not accept CASH payments
We have a very fair refund policy SEE TERMS

*It is suggested you register and reserve for a Speed Dating event at least one week in advance

**NOTE to the LADIES: Women's seats for Speed Dating do fill up quickly, try to register 6-8 weeks in advance!

CLICK HERE to complete the pre-registration form or call us at 631-592-9804

The regular price for Speed Dating is $45.00 (+$1.95 service charge) *our Speed Dating events include 1 Free drink + Appetizers

Activity events vary in price, depending on the event, (usually a fee of $25-$59 range)

READ PAYMENT TERMS for additional information

Once you register, you can pay with your credit/debit card online

Or we can accept credit card payment by phone 631-592-9804.

There are NO CASH options available.

We also accepts checks —

*Note if you plan on paying by check, because of limited seats per event, and the popularity of certain events you MUST call/ text 631 592 9804 or email me gail@7inheavensingles.com FIRST to check availability.

Then, once I have confirmed availability for the event, you can mail your check -
(your spot is saved).

if I do not receive your check, I will let you know.
NOTE: checks must be received 3 days prior to event.

Make Checks payable to:

7 in Heaven Singles Events

*Please write the event date and your phone# on your check, or enclose a separate paper with information

Mail Checks to :

7 in Heaven Singles Events
Attention Gail Adams
P.O. Box 138
Lindenhurst, NY 11757

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Jo Magliocco Jo Magliocco

Do you have any discounts or promotions for repeat customers?

7 in Heaven Singles Events wants to keep your search fun and affordable!

How it works... All promotions: you must be attending the event together

LADIES (Age 50+)

Bring a MALE Friend to SPEED DATING Bring a relative, x-boyfriend, co-worker, neighbor ... to a *SPEED-DATING event and receive an instant 1/2 price entrance to that speed-dating event you attend together

(*Must complete the Friend form on this page)


Bring a MALE FRIEND to a SPEED DATING event and receive an instant 1/2 price entrance into that speed-dating event (*Must complete the Friend form on this page)

GENTLEMEN (Age B 36-48)

Bring a MALE FRIEND to Speed Dating

And you both receive an instant $10 off into that speed-dating event (*Must complete the Friend form on this page)

LADIES (Age A 25-37) and (Age B 34-46)

Bring a FEMALE FRIEND to a SPEED DATING event and receive an instant 1/2 price entrance into that speed-dating event (*Must complete the Friend form on this page)

REFER ANY FRIEND Receive $5 off for YOU AND your FRIEND

You and your Friend can receive a $5 off coupon on any event you and a friend attend together.

All that is needed to receive the discount is:

1. Attending the event together

2. Fill out the form on the (*Must complete the Refer a Friend Page)

Must completely fill out the form and be attending event together to receive the discounted price

Refer a friend to any *PARTIES or any ACTIVITY or SPORT EVENT (MALE or FEMALE)

Receive a $5.00 off Thank-U Coupon for YOU and YOUR FRIEND

Can be used at any future event — it is NOT an "instant rebate"
(*Must complete the Friend form on this page)

*ALL Friend Promotions - must completely fill out form on this page and must be attending event together to receive the discount off

NO MATCH 1/2 price Speed Dating Explained

Anyone lacking matches are welcome to attend another of our Speed Dating events for 1/2 price standard admission. That means EVERY reason, regardless of whether it was because you choose no one; or no one choose you. To receive this discount you must have no matches whatsoever.

*Note some restrictions do apply to "No match discount" and coupons

*Friend Matches does count as a "Match", as it still is an opportunity to make a connection.

"No match discount" applies only to Speed Dating Events - all other types of activity events does not apply.

*All Coupons have an expiration date- please be aware of that date.

"No match discount" is limited to 1 coupon (1 return speed dating event) for no matches.

*All Coupons cannot be applied to past purchases.

*If you make reservations for an event with a coupon discount applied, and you cancel that reservation, discount cannot be reapplied.

*Only one discount allowed per event.


Does not apply to the ½ price discount, ½ price only applies to Speed Dating Events

*Also other discounts or coupons cannot be combined at the same time

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