*Dating Tips for the suddenly single and getting out there again

Approach the dating game with an attitude of openness and experimentation. It is possible that every date you go on, could lead you to Mr./Ms. Right but… keep an open mind and your feet planted firmly on the ground and you will at least learn something new on every date you go on

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* Will this be your year to find true love?

The holidays bring a lot of pressure to the single person. Finding a date for the office party, and just concern about being alone for the holidays can be emotional. The kiss at midnight on New Years, becomes a symbol of somehow being back on top, in control of your life and lovable. I was using those random nameless guys to build myself up and the moment never really matched my romantic expectations.

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*Going it alone has it's benefits... PART II

To go out alone comfortably, you need to put the stereotypes at the back of your mind. It does not mean that you are a loner, desperado or a loser. You are a liberated single person. It may look or sometimes feel awkward but prepare to go out and have fun just like you would have done if you had company.

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*You only get one chance for a first impression!

No answer is an answer, whether it is from a man or a woman.Women do tend to be less upfront, as we Venus people... don't like to hurt feelings so we ladies somehow think no answer is kinder.BUT MARTIANS prefer a straight up - no thanks answer.

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