This one is for all the ladies out there, that think there are no good guys left. There are plenty of them ladies! Here's some food for thought on how you might be turning away opportunities by not being open minded. Dear Gail:I attended one of your SPEED DATING events and received a date match from that event.The next day I sent the following email to the date match: Hi Henrietta, You and I had a  'speed-date' with 7-in-heaven and since I am not that experienced at this speed dating thing, and have trouble sorting and keeping notes during/afterthe 'date',  I have just a composite image and details about you. So let's get together to fill in the details of each of our lives. Maybe we can be friends or...more? I'll call you in the next couple of days to work out a convenient time to get together for coffee, tea or light meal and some interesting conversation. Looking forward to continuing the conversation. Cordially,JakeI called Henrietta a day after that email, she answered and said she is just about to have dinner, she'll call back and then, it seemed to me, she abruptly hung up!  AND she did not call later.OK, I thought, let's try again, you never know what's going on in another person's life - I'm trying not to judge.I called again the next day, left message on cell phone. To date no return call. Gail, I know men and women communicate in different ways and sometime don't communicate at all and/or there is much potential for miscommunication, please review the above and give me the benefit of your view on what's taking place here.These real life dramas are like a chapter out of your relationship BLOG!Warmly,


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Jake,I am a straight shooter! Tell it like it is and based on what you wrote I would like to make this suggestion.You seem like a low-key, easy going guy JAKE, and would best mesh with someone LIKE you.Henrietta is a very attractive woman and has a lot of choices as a very pretty woman.If I had to guess... I would say she was not impressed - that you didn't EXACTLY know who she was- she may feel she should have STOOD OUT from all the rest, how could you NOT know?Now, someone more down to earth, practical, would appreciate your honesty and know that they TOO could easily forget some details after meeting a group of people.This gal, instead of being honest with you, decided to do the age old “blow him off by being unavailable” routine.You did everything right. It just wasn't a match, or she is checking out other options available from the event.No answer is an answer, whether it is from a man or a woman.Women do tend to be less upfront, as we Venus people... don't like to hurt feelings so we ladies somehow think no answer is kinder.BUT MARTIANS prefer a straight up - no thanks answer. Ah yes, the differences of men and women.Let this one go, you need to be with someone that is more understanding like yourself.Wishing you joy on your journey, Gail7 in-Heaven Singles EventsOn your search for the one, we make being single fun!Web site- http://www.7-in-heaven.comOpinions? Comments? Personal experiences?You can comment below anonymously


*Long Island's FIRST Millionaire SPEED DATING Event!


* Valentines Day and Single