* Get more Dates with these 2 simple suggestions...

There are 2 small things that you can start doing today to get more dates, and with some luck land yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend in the process.So lets start with first things first… which is a first impression.First impressions count and you never get a second chance to make a first impression! You have just a few minutes (7 minutes at our SPEED DATING EVENTS) to make a good first impression and it’s almost impossible ever to change it. So it’s worth giving each new encounter your best shot. Much of what you need to do to make a good impression is common senseI get calls all the time asking me what to wear to a singles event from both the guys and the gals. I tell the ladies, and guys, to not overdo it, be you and feel comfortable, but do dress to impress. When you go to a singles event, get dressed as you would if you were going out on the town. Make sure that you are cleaned up and presentable as best as you can be.Do whatever it is that you do to get well groomed.Guys this means visiting your local barber for a haircut. So don’t even have to think about taking that shortcut and wearing a baseball hat to an event! Keep in mind, a nice naked clean-shaven face is sexy guys.Ladies: if visiting your local salon for a cut and color or to get your nails done, then make sure to make time to do that.And Ladies do think about the great power in wearing a skirt or dress. It's obviously the most feminine way to dress. And most women look GREAT in a skirt or dress. Skirts are very forgiving and make a woman's "pear shape" into an "asset" if you'll pardon my French...Now of course a pair of jeans can be just as gorgeous as a dress - on the right person. But for women to abandon femininity and feel uncomfortable about showing how sexy they are is, well, tragic! Skirts are a woman's secret weapon to looking and feeling sexy.  Let me tell you....when I wear a skirt it makes all the difference.  The truth is that there is a difference between men and women, and woman should embrace those differences and make them shine!Men and Women- wear something unique that could be a conversation starter! Ladies- interesting attractive jewelry, Guys… could be something as simple as a fun nickname on your name tag!And ALWAYS try to look your best even if its just running to the store to pick up some milk.Hey I once dated someone for 5 months who I met and kept running into at my local 7 - Eleven!Always put yourself in the best possible position to get dates.Bottom line is both Men and Women feel good and is attracted to being around someone who takes pride in their appearance AND is confident.I FEEL good when I look good. And when I FEEL good it shows...Of course, being confident means more than just what you wear, it's a complete state of mind.Women: it's about truly loving men for the silly creatures from Mars they really are. FAULTS and all… get rid of the man bashing tapes running through your head.And Men… to succeed with women you need to truly love women for the ever-changing beings we are! As Billy Joel puts it so well in his so ng… “She is frequently kind, and she's suddenly cruel… she’ll bring out the best and the worst you can be, blame it all on yourself, cause she's always a woman to me”Remember it’s what you think in your mind as you walk by any man or woman, know it’s is the confident, non-judgmental thoughts that you have running through your mind, that will RIVET their attention - and they’ll never know exactly why.Practice it as often as you can on everyone even those you may not date! This way when the real deal comes along you will be fine-tuned.OK so there you have it… 2 small changes/ improvements you can start with TODAY 1. Dress to impress2. Think confident  (YES you are one hellva sexy desirable single)Quote: from Albert Schweitzer: Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.Powerful and somewhat dangerous stuff – go-ahead try it out and have some fun with it!All the best on your quest!,GailOpinions? Comments? Personal experiences?You can comment below anonymously or email medirect at info@7-in-heaven.com visit the web site to check out our funevents http:// www.7-in-heaven.com


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