One of my clients had a long distance relationship and hadn't seen her ex boyfriend in over eight months. She kept going on and on, telling me she couldn't get him out of her mind. How the relationship had ended, he has moved on but she could not.I kept telling her that it is important to get on with her life now. She refused and asked me why, maybe he will come back, change his mind...I told her "It's because the guy who left you, represents who you were, the moment you met him. And that was well over a year ago."Let me explain what I'm talking about. Because you might not be familiar with this concept from the “law of attraction” …Every person you meet represents the ”you” and who you are at the moment you met him.He is the reflection of your inner self.If you want only money, life might send you a heartless millionaire who can provide you with financial resources.And when you honestly fall for him, and ask why he is not able to love you back, brace yourself for the answer - it's because of the money you wanted so much in the first place.If you wanted sex at that moment, life would have sent you a sex machine to satisfy you.LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE!If you succeed in getting him back into your life, strap on your seat belt because now your life will be an emotional roller coaster with more ups and downs than the stock market.Every person we attract into our lives is there for a reason. They teach us things at particular time in our lives for our growth as human beings.If today you met your best friend for the very first time (the same best friend you met in reality ten years ago) you may not have anything in common - you may not even like each other.Why?Because today, you are not the same person you were ten years ago when you met your best friend and you needed him or her and they needed you too. You gave each other what was needed to be given at that time, but now have formed a bond and respect for each other, so you are still friends today.Don't look for the future in your past, the future is in the future.When you break a vase, you gather all the pieces together and glue them back in place like a puzzle. But as soon as you pour water into the vase, it will start leaking.A broken relationship is just like a broken vase.Check out some new vases, the flowers will look better and bloom longer!All the best on your quest!,GailOpinions? Comments? Personal experiences?You can comment below anonymously or email medirect at info@7-in-heaven.comvisit the web site to check out our funevents http://


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