One of the funniest lines I ever heard about dating was something Chris Rock once said:   “When you date…have you ever notice when you meet somebody for the first time, you're not meeting them. You're meeting their “representative”. Then after a about 3 months you meet the REAL Candidate”


Dear Gail:I wanted to give you some background on me, and possible you could give me some advice. I have been in the "dating" world for the last 10-years now, and I have not much luck keeping a man in my life for more than a 3-month relationship. Various reasons for this, all BS, but reasons nonetheless -- or excuses rather. For example some of the breakup excuses have been:"You are too good to be with a jerk like me." (huh?)"I respect you too much to be dating you casually." (Did I say I wanted a serious relationship!??)"You are the type I would take home to my mom, and right now I just want to get laid." (dude, I never said I wanted to meet your mom!)"How can you want to date me knowing it's not going to last? What is the point?" (Urrr...nothing lasts forever, and whatever happened to enjoying the present?)"I am scared of commitment." (I don't want to marry you!)"It's not you, it's me." (One of my all time favorites)I've had the  "I'm really still in love with my ex" thing, The mutual break-up "you know …we like each other but not enough to keep dating" this one is one of  the cleanest cut ways out.However, what might be interesting to note is that all these guys went on to have serious relationships after me. I don't know what to think of that, and maybe I rather not think about it at all.Maybe I was too easy to catch.Maybe I shouldn't have played those stupid games that everyone plays.Maybe I gave too much too soon.Maybe I didn't give enough.Maybe we shouldn't have gotten involved with each other in the first place.Who knows?It seems like the minute it's more painful than fun, you get out.But, when the pattern repeats itself on numerous occasions, repeats you can't help but wonder.Anyway, below are the thought process I have held onto that has help me deal with this 3 month cycle of dating:- You can't make anyone do anything they don't want to: if someone doesn't want to be with you there is no convincing him into it.- It's all about personal growth: whether in or out of an involvement with someone, as long as you've grown in some way (together or apart), it was worth it.- Nobody dies of a broken heart: you fall, you get up, you dust off, you move on.- Everything happens for a reason.Someone once told me that you attract what you are ready for.Maybe subconsciously this is all I have ever been ready for?A short- term relationship ready for the moment?Or, have I been missing something to prevent the long term commitment I am seeking?Single forever?“Sam”________________________________________ Dear Sam,To avoid finding yourself in this situation, I am going to tell you loudly to STOP what you are doing and step back s-l-o-w-l-y. Dating goes through stages. If you try to avoid one of the stages, problems may develop in the relationship, which may result in you or your partner ending the relationship. When you recognize what stage of dating the relationship is in, you will understand what is called for or needed in order to move through that stage and onto the next stage.It requires patience and understanding.

Month One: The Meeting

The purpose of stage one is to determine if there is enough physical attraction, chemistry, commonality and interest to warrant dating. For some people, it may take a couple of meetings to determine if they want to date a particular person. Decision to continue will come as long as both parties find each other interesting and fun to be with, and physically attracted to.

Month Two: Dating

Month two is the romantic stage and during this stage both of you want to spend increasingly amounts of time together. People often describe this stage as feeling physically attracted or infatuated with the other person. Because two people are having fun and really attracted to each other. Sometimes they tend to overlook those cute irritants (I call it Rose Color Glasses) of their partner in order to focus on the strong attraction and the positive feelings. But… without this stage of intense infatuation, a relationship can’t move on to the next stage. So if you and your partner are on two different pages with regard to your feelings for each other, it is best for you to be patient and wait for you partner to catch up. Doing this demonstrates to your partner that you are caring, patient and supportive. Too needy or too distance will drive the person further away.

Month Three: The “RELATIONSHIP”

Month three is where differences between the couple begin coming to the surface and it’s usually means make or BREAK in relationship.  Now the focuses are on how the two of you work through disagreements, differences of opinions and ideas as well as different approaches and issues about sex, communication and commitment. It is also an opportunity to both learn and use problem-solving skills with your partner. Arguing in a relationship is not the problem. The problem arises when couples don’t know or use healthy skills to resolve conflict. Stage three is also an opportunity to build a deeper relationship with your partner as each of you recognizes that you are loved and accepted for being your true self. This is where trust develops in a relationship.

Month Six: Independence and Interdependence

Month six is a when the couple learns how to be a couple and still maintain a level of independence within the relationship. During this period of time the couple begins to incorporate their previous relationships skills and fun interests into the couple relationship. For some people the fear of their partner wanting to socialize without them, triggers feelings of insecurity, or fear of an imminent ending to the relationship. If this is the case, the partner with the insecurity does not address his or her own issues, the result maybe unintended break-up. Of course there could be dozens of other reasons too, that why “dating is about discovery”.

One Year: Healthy Commitment

If you reach the one year stage is where the individuals are willing to make decisions about a long term commitment with one another. By now hopefully the couple has built a foundation on trust, honesty and integrity. For some this may lead to marriage for others this means being in a monogamous relationship.Since you have trouble moving on past the third month, my suggestion to you is to slow down and allow your boyfriend time to realize his feelings for you are deeper than just friends. This won’t happen by you pointing it out to him. It will happen by him going through the stages at his own pace.All the best on your quest!GailOpinions? Comments? Personal experiences?You can comment below anonymously or email medirect at info@7-in-heaven.comvisit the web site to check out our funevents http://


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