* "I'll CALL YOU" what does it REALLY mean...

Ok ladies and gents, let’s all be honest…LADIES…when a guy you’re not interested in…asks you out, have you evergave him this line: ”oh sorry, I have a boyfriend”When in fact, what you REALLY were thinking was:Hey I haven’t had a date in a month, but why break my slump for a loserlike you?Or GENTLEMEN maybe a lady friend hinted around that you should go out on areal date and you answered:Oh I don’t think it would be a good idea to date, it would ruin ourfriendshipBut what you REALLY were thinking was:Hey you are a great gal, too bad you’re not better looking or I wouldtotally date you.I get countless emails and had many conversations from singles that complainon BOTH sides from men and women saying:I don’t get itthey seemed interested, yet I haven’theard from them or they never called or answered the phone!Well for all those newly dating again or the very dazed and confused,I would like to share with you a list of 20 of the most frequently used“dating lines” and their simple translation.Feel free to write in any I may have missed or if you disagree/agree with anyof this I wrote about!READY? OK here we go:1. CAN I TAKE YOU OUT FOR A DRINK?Translation: I don’t want to commit to a complete dinnerand date with you, so let’s start out with a happy hour first.2. DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING FUN PLANNED FOR THE WEEKEND?Translation: I don’t want a date with you this weekend3. SORRY, I ALREADY HAVE PLANS BUT MAYBE WE COULD CATCH UP WITH EACHOTHER LATER ON ?Translation:Booty call4. I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO MEET MY FAMILY AND OR FRIENDSTranslation: I really do like you, thereare possibilities here.5. I DON’T EVER WANT TO GET MARRIED OR LIVE WITH ANYONETranslation: I don’t want to get married, so if you arelooking for something serious move on, don’t waste your time on me.6.I KNOW IT’S 2AM BUT I CAN’T GET YOU OFF MY MINDTranslation: Booty call7. I NEED SOME ALONE TIMETranslation:This relationship is getting way to intense, and I’m freaking out8. I’VE TOLD MY FAMILY/FRIENDS SO MUCH ABOUT YOUTranslation: I’m really into you, can’t stop talkingabout you9.I REALLY SHOULD GET GOING NOW I HAVE TO GET UP EARLY FOR WORKTranslation: This date isn’t going well, I’m going tomeet up with some friends as soon as I ditch you.10. I’M REALLY NOT READY FOR A RELATIONSHIP RIGHT NOW, BUT I WOULDLOVE TO HANG OUT WITH YOUTranslationfor women: I don’t want to be your boyfriend, but I will sleep withyouTranslationfor men: I don’t want to be your girlfriend, but I will let you spendyour money on me for dates.11. IT’S NOT YOU… IT’S METranslation: It’s you12. OH COME ON… LET ME BUY YOU ANOTHER DRINK OR SHOT?Translation:I’m trying to get you drunk to get into your pants.13. WANT TO COME OVER FOR A DRINK?Translation:Let’s have sex.14. WORK IS JUST CRAZY RIGHT NOWTranslation: I’ll call you or go out with you when I havenothing better to do.15. I’M AFRAID OF GETTING HURTTranslation:I’m not going to get into anything serious with you, all I can handleis a fling.16. I’VE BEEN MEANING TO CALL YOUTranslation: I had no intention on calling but now that youhave, I’m busted for not calling you .17. LET’S GO AWAY THIS WEEKENDTranslation: I don’t mind giving up that party with myfriends, want to spend some quality time together, this could be the real deal.18. MY PLACE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION SO LET’S GO TO YOUR PLACETranslation: I don’t want you to know where I liveAlternate Translation: I am married or have a significantother and can’t let you see where I live.19. YOU COULD DO BETTER THEN HER (or HIM)….!Translation: I really like you dump your boyfriend (orgirlfriend) and go out with ME!AND MY ALL TIME FAVORITE……..20.I’LL CALL YOUTranslation: It really depends…have to really payattentionCould mean I WILL CALL YOU orAlternate translation: I really have no intention on callingyou but this is the easiest and quickest way to get you off my back.Gail

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* Tired of waiting for my prince charming


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