* How narrowly have you defined your "type"?

Dear Gail,I am thinking of attending one of your events, but would like to know if there are enough men at your events? I am an attractive, financially stable, fun loving woman that desires to meet a great guy but seem to be having a difficult time finding quality gentlemen to date. Do you think I will have a better chance at one of your events? Warmly,“Z” -----------------------------------------------------Dear “Z”Well for starters… I'm here to tell you that there are ALWAYS more than enough men out there!At my events and everywhere!Yes, there are more than enough eligible, wonderful men who are waiting to find a wonderful woman like you at my events.However, sometimes it feels like this is not true for us - that in our own particular situation, there really aren't that many eligible men around.If you find yourself feeling this way, maybe it’s time to take stock of your own personal limitations on just exactly which men you consider to be eligible.(GUYS … this works for you too) Let's start with ....Must all men live in your own community??*I find the gentlemen are much more open then the ladies, to traveling a bit to be with the “right person”Ladies I hope you will consider staying open on this one as it’s a big world full of men out there who want love too.Ladies and Gents- How narrowly have you defined your "type"?What are the factors in one's “type” ?OK let’s create a check list and be really honest with ourselves about which of these are the MUSTS HAVES for you personally and which ones are really just a wish list that can be a variable…- age range- attractiveness- body type- religion- number of children- desire to have children- level of wealth- race- ethnic background- social class- employment background- work ethic- hobbies- interests- level of success- level of ambition- country of residence or origin- political party- whether he smokes- whether he drinks and how muchSome things are non-negotiable. Other things on your “check list” can be more or less your “wish list" and not your MUST HAVE. Example: Smoking preferences usually are nonnegotiable. Desire to have children, or to have more children, is also usually something which can not be compromised in a relationship, but people's desires can change.Don't decline a date with a man based on the fact that you think you'll never marry him! He might become a good friend who introduces you to your future husband.Here's a scenario, which might help to put things in perspective.Imagine a man whose physical type is not your ideal - let's say it's a man who you met briefly at a SPEED DATING event and  is definitely on the portly side and you immediately look at him and say to yourself NOPE no way....and 7 mins is not a whole lot of time to get to know someone.  Let's call him “Tom”Now imagine that this man, Tom, unbeknown to you... happens to be one of the most successful real estate brokers in your community. He's drives a luxury car and has a Jeep as well. Tom has severalhomes, including a condo on the beach and a cabin in the mountains. He has a great sense of humor and is known for his warmth and charm. Tom gives of his time and money to help disadvantaged kids. He treats everyone with respect and is said to be a perfect gentleman. He's considered one of the most eligible bachelors in town. He's getting over a breakup of a long-term relationship; everyone said Tom was devastated to lose the woman he had adored for several years and had been engaged to marry. He is just starting to get out there again and recently started dating again.Now that you know more about him, does Tom's extra weight seem like as much of an issue as before you knew this about him? And if you think the only factor here was affluence, well, even that is the result of Tom's ambition, hard work, and dedication - all very good qualities.Yes, attraction is still a very important factor in making initial selections for both men and women. Hence the fact that someone will choose you- but for some reason, YOU did not find them as you did not find them attractive enough to check yes.Successful people in finding quality relationships make their final decision based on more or less if that person that seems lighthearted, polite, confident, and giving. Those that appear very opinionated, ridged, not concerned of others...will never fair as well as those with the big smile and positive attitude no matter HOW attractive they are.Bottom line- I suggest you go to the events with an open mind and a desire to just have fun no matter if your prefect match is there that night ...or not. You will be always be successful as long as you stay open and patience.All the best on your quest!,Gail Opinions? Comments? Personal experiences? You can comment below anonymously or email medirect at info@7-in-heaven.com visit the web site to check out our funevents http:// www.7-in-heaven.com


* "I'll CALL YOU" what does it REALLY mean...


* You cannot force a relationship by calling him.