* Tired of waiting for my prince charming

Dear Gail,I simply don’t understand men. Why is it that men only seem to be attracted to the pretty “BITCHES” that treat them like crap rather then the women that are real?There are plenty of cold, calculating, shallow, controlling women who Idon't believe deserve to be in a loving relationship, yet they are the ones that get the guy!You say you make being single fun, well... I would LOVE to hear one single person out there tell me that he or she is actually REALLY enjoying their single-hood. My friends who keep telling me to "get out there and enjoy being single!"  are either  married or in a relationship! Who are they to tell me to pack my days with fun-filled activities and enjoy being single! They have a “date” every Sat night, they are not alone! Yes, I am alone.No, I do not want to be alone. And I am sick and tired of being told that “the guy” will come, that he's out there somewhere. Sign me... tired of waiting for my prince charming,“T”Dear “tired of waiting for the prince”As you may already know….."A Negative Attitude About Being Single Will Keep You Single...Only positive thinking will help turn your dating fate"First of all, positive thinking will help with the root cause of not meeting the right person… which is unhealthy behavior and INSECURITY.Think about it.... Why would any man be attracted to a woman (or anyone, for that matter) that has a negative attitude and behave in a dramatic needy, whiny, or controlling way?Let’s break those words down…"Needy" - They have NEEDS (namely love, acceptance, security) that they desperately want to be met."Whiny" - What comes to mind when you think of whining? Babies. Infants whine out of frustration because they don't yet know how to ask for what they want or need. The same goes for men and women of any age who haven't learned healthy ways of communicating."Controlling" - Why do people become controlling? Because they feel out of control. This feeling of having no handle on their life scares them so much that they delude themselves into thinking that they have the power to MAKE someone love them or FORCE them to behave in a certain way.I hope to encourage both men and women to take a look at their lives and try fill their hearts up with love for themselves. Focus on creating a new fulfilling life of friends, fun 7 in Heaven Singles activities, and passions for themselves rather than waiting for a man or women to come along and make them whole - the results are absolutely ASTOUNDING.You will feel happier. You will wake up in the morning, excited about the day to come and the possibilities of love it brings. You’ll get out and enjoy the fabulous life you've created, and while your doing that, good available singles will sit up and take notice of you! They will see this confident, irresistible woman strolling down the street with a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her lips and think, "Wow...there's something about that girl. I've got to meet her!"When you're confident in yourself, you radiate happiness. The neediness that once scared men off has been replaced with deep contentment.You cease to focus on CONTROLLING a man and instead put the focus on what you DO have control over... your own life.The *desperation you once felt (*BELIEVE ME, men can sense desperation from a mile away…) has now been replaced with security - a knowing that you WILL meet someone wonderful to share your life, but in the meantime, you'll enjoy everything that life has to offer.I have spent my life married more years total then I have been single, but I have now had 7 years of being single and can tell you that it's not about "loving" being single or "loving" being married...It's about LOVING YOUR LIFE no matter what phase you're in.When I am single and not involved with someone, I have learned to love my life just the way it is because I got to spend more time with my friends, I now have my dream job (owning my own business) and enjoyed some pretty cool events, and I got to go on dates with some really interesting, fun guys.Yes, some men I got involved with were duds. Yes, some dates were disasters. Yes, I even got DUMPED a few times in my day. So why didn't this take me down for the count? Because I didn't make these guys my LIFE... I suddenly realized I have a fabulous life of my own, and I was trying to make these guys that were not right …fit in.Like a square peg in a round hole as they say!I'm happier today because realize I still have my true blue friends, and even though I don’t make as much money as I use to, I have an even BETTER job then I have ever had before. I can't tell you how much fulfillment I get from seeing singles make great connections.I'm sorry that you're alone. (I've been there myself, and it's not easy.) But we all have choices and we have to remember no one has to suffer through painful, confusing, and dramatic relationships anymore.Old wounds and insecurities CAN be healed which will open doors to a healthy, loving relationship.You say that everyone tells you that "the guy will come." The thing is, “T”, when you hold onto that negative, self-defeating attitude, he's probably NOT going to come. That's because you've closed yourself off and – whether you're conscious of it or not - are sending the signal "stay away." Men are just as afraid of rejection as women are, and they are not going to approach you when you're giving off such an approachable vibe.Albert Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over and expecting different results." You've been carrying around that "being single sucks" and "I'll never meet a man" attitude every day and the result is that you're alone.Maybe it's time to try something different.My hope for you is that you can open your heart and mind to the possibility that positive thinking does actually work. Hang in there “T”... I hope that you'll stay in touch and send me an update!All the best on your quest!,GailOpinions? Comments? Personal experiences? 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