* LI girls ~ harder to meet then the rest of the USA?

Hey Gail,
Great advice on your blog. We single people do appreciate it. I think as a single man who is 44 its really hard to meet single women. I see women I would like to meet but am afraid to approach them because they never smile and sometimes even look angry.
Am I doing something wrong? Or are all women on long island stressed out? lol.
I have lived in the south and the women in Florida and Georgia seem friendly and they smile. But up here on Long Island its kind of different. I have heard the women here are kind of stuck up because its long island and they grew up with money and maybe that has something to do with it. Whats your insight on this?
From "T"
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interesting question “T”I was born and raised right here on Long Island I so let me try to give you some insight on this place. No we did not all grow up with money. We have poor towns and rich towns here on LI.However, you are correct about it being more difficult to break the ice here then other parts of the country. My oldest daughter who now lives in N. Carolina will be the first to tell you, life is different off the Island of LONG (Long Island)Long Island people, men and women in general tend to be a bit more "guarded". We don't rush to say HI to everyone person walking down the street, or talk to "strangers" in the store so readily. Sometimes we move into apartments or houses and don't even know our neighbors for years!I think this is because we New Yorkers don't trust as easily. I could be because of the crime rate, we are always concerned someone is a predator out to rip us off, steal or worse.ALSO - I do think that in this area of NY, more women do seek men with education and or better income jobs. We New Yorkers have more taxes, more expenses then most parts of the country - so income is very important to survive.Women on LI in general - take better care of themselves. Nails, clothes, the gym, education, so those that do make that investment in themselves expect a higher quality man - higher dividends for that investment.But here is some GOOD news for you about LI and NY in general  ... There are 210,000 more single women than single men in the New York metropolitan area! More single women then any other part of the USA. This makes it a "buyer’s market" for men, and super-competitive for women.In your age group (35-49) - I have twice as many women calling for single events then men.So how do you break the ice to meet all these beautiful Long Island women?Attend some of these events, which bring in the girls!WINE TASTING events are a BIG favorite of women. Last Feb. 2010 at the Planetarium's we had 67 singles attend a wine tasting and star-viewing event and 50 of them were women!SPEED DATING has an equal balance of men and women- (the women’s seats are filled long before the guys!) and there we LI women are forced to break away from the pack of girlfriends and talk with you individually.Much better for you, and you will see, add some humor to the table and you will see those hardened LI girls sport their beautiful smiles!SPORTS and ACTIVITY events - Such as Bowling, Billiards, Exercise (yoga, martial arts) Comedy shows, ALL have had a higher women to men ratio of attendance! and even if you don't meet someone, you have will have a fun night out and make some new friends.So cheer up, we may be a bit more challenging to meet, but we Long Island girls are worth the effort.All the best on your quest,Gail7 in-Heaven Singles EventsOn your search for the one, we make being single fun!Web site- http://www.7-in-heaven.com

* Dating doesn't equate to “INSTANT GRATIFICATION”


* Who gets the FRIENDS after Divorce or Death of a Spouse?