* Who gets the FRIENDS after Divorce or Death of a Spouse?

Adults that have been thorough a divorce or a death of a spouse, have come to realize that the friendly relationships they once had with other married couples changes after they become single.Many divorcing couples don't just divvy up their possessions when they separate; they also divide up and lay claim to their old friends. Or as the saying goes, you find out WHO your friends really are.I have heard many times from widowed singles how they were showered with much attention at first, but after some time has passed, the relationships they have with married friends changes. They start acting strangely, distant; suddenly not available to hang out or maybe they forgot to invite you to that backyard BBQ…Try not to take it personally it does happen to everyone when we go through a life change.And let’s face it…becoming single means you are DATING which means your new world and theirs become very different.Cultivating new single friendships is very important when you are re-entering the dating scene after many yearsSo how do you meet new people and develop authentic, deep friendships as a newly single adult? Some of you may be thinking, it's not quite as easy as it was when we were kids! And for some, it was pretty darn hard even back then!Most divorced and widowed singles need to regroup and make an extra effort to meet new people. Everyone needs someone to talk to that relates to him or her.For the single ladies join us for one of our Ladies Brunch and Networking events to make new single friends. Next event is Sunday Oct 3rd in Nassau and Sun Oct 10th in Suffolk. CHECK our CALENDAR for more details Here are some other creative ways to meet new friends when you start a new life as a single· Seminars and Workshops ~ Many people go to seminars alone. Learning something new while meeting people that share your interest. CHECK our DATING SUCCESS WORKSHOP schedule ~ next event 9/16/10

  • Volunteer! How about a green organization, a political party, or a favorite cause for Humanity? Women with children can meet other moms volunteering at events that include children. For a few local suggestions on where to volunteer   Check our BLOG Where to meet singles when your not into the bar scene
  • · Walk a dog ~ Borrow a friend’s pooch if necessary. Canines are terrific icebreakers and most dogs will say, “Hi,” to every other dog for you.
  • · Take a Class ~ cooking classes, photography, or anything that interests you are great ways to make new friends. Your local library, or High School has interesting and inexpensive subjects.
  • · Find an exercise buddy ~ Find a hiking or bicycle club on http://www.meetup.com to find happy, healthy new friends
  • · Attend a Divorce or Widow support group ~ Make sure to choose a support group that’s a good fit for you. No one wants to hear constant whiners, who are “stuck” living in the past especially after a divorce.

Now keep in mind, that even if you meet a bunch of those “married” people, at any of these places fear not! Married folks always seem to know a single girlfriend, or a guy you just have to meet!It’s all about networking and getting out there again just enjoying life.

All the best on your quest!Gail Opinions? Comments? Personal experiences?You can comment below anonymously or email medirect at info@7-in-heaven.comvisit the web site to check out our funevents http:// www.7-in-heaven.com

* LI girls ~ harder to meet then the rest of the USA?


* Naughty GIRLS and Bad BOYS why do we date them?