* You cannot force a relationship by calling him.

You cannot force a relationship by calling him.

I have had this situation come up a few times, not only in my own dating experiences but watching other women go through it. This one below comes from just this past week....OK so you made some good connections at a singles event or a maybe an online date recently. But you haven't heard from him and it’s been a couple of days since that last date or first meeting....One reason that we ladies are tempted to call a man, is when they are not hearing from him.Many women think that by calling him, it will further their connection with him… maybe he just needs a little push in the right direction.  Or thinks that by calling him, it will keep the new connection or relationship going. After all if there are no calls and no contact it = no relationship.But the problem is that you cannot force a connection and a relationship by making that call, as painful as that can be. Calling him will not make it happen; nor will writing letters or sending emails.I recently was asked by a single woman who had not heard from a guy, after what she thought was a great connection at one of my events:“Could there be another explanation for his not calling me?” Maybe I gave the impression I wasn’t interested in him, and is it possible that this guy might be interested in me but is thinking hey she wasn’t that interested so why bother? And that’s why he hasn’t called me?  Does it always mean he isn't interested?  “No, that is just plain old wishful thinking. When it comes to women, men don't sit around and ponder. They act!When they want something they go after it.We women sometimes try to interpret an apparent lack of interest as something more positive - in other words, we make excuses for a man's lack of calls or initial contact. Women who talk themselves into believing that a man is just "thinking things over" are living in a dream world. What's worse, they waste valuable time waiting for the man who is not interested and not calling them.Like it or not…when you first meet its like a dance- and the guy leads. You may find old school and an odd statement from a real feminist movement child like me! But it’s true. MEN take notes here… I can only imagine how it may be difficult to deal with us women at times, but one thing is for sure … we women love a man that has courage, and takes action. Even if we don’t want to date you, we will be impressed with your courage. Maybe suggest you meet our friends, or sister instead because we were so impressed! Now I’m not talking stalker behavior here… as no always means no. But having the guts to follow through in a timely polite manner will always get the girl interest and respect.LADIES- do return calls from the guys promptly AND return some kind of flirty message that explains you are interested OR a message that says THANKS but no thanks basically. Believe it or not, most men do appreciate the no thanks response more then no response.All the best on your quest!,Gail Opinions? Comments? Personal experiences?You can comment below anonymously or email medirect at info@7-in-heaven.com visit the web site to check out our funevents http:// www.7-in-heaven.com


* How narrowly have you defined your "type"?


* I cannot believe "X" did not choose me for a second date!