Why do you have a Friend Match as an option at a Speed Dating? Aren't we here to date?

Actually, some folks love the "friend option".
Let me explain...

Many people don’t want to “dive in head first” into a relationship, they would rather go slow to figure out if there is a romantic interest. So open up communication and see where it goes

Others are perplexed by this option of “friends first”.
They want a DATE. And feel it’s a waste of time to be "friends first".

Friend’s match is like a decision to "get to know more" before actually stepping out on a date, start out slow, and not rush into anything.

By choosing FRIENDS a man/woman can communicate on the phone to get more time getting to know each other, or meet up for a coffee meet and greet or a simple activity like a walk... and not have the pressure of a "real date". This makes it easier to make a determination if they want to step it up a bit after meeting up a few times. Keep in mind, some of the best relationships have started as "FRIENDS"

But of course, no one wants to get stuck in the "friends zone thing" so make sure you use your street smarts and common sense. .... if someone is stalling a lot, or not answering your calls/texts within 24 hrs or less, or several weeks has passed and the relationship doesn't seem to be going anywhere... cut bait/ties.. move on.

The decision to use the friends option is yours.
So after a speed dating event, if you only want to make contact with those men / women that want to be your "DATE" that is your prerogative

At my events, when a person chooses FRIEND on their sheet and the person chooses DATE ... it becomes a "friend match" for both.

Friend Matches does count as a "Match", as it still is an opportunity to make a connection.

If you don't want to contact that man or woman that chose you as a "FRIEND" that's entirely your choice. Then contact only those that chose you as a DATE again the choice is yours.


What information do you give my matches at a Speed Dating?


What happens if I don't receive any matches at a Speed Dating event?