* The Disposable World of online dating

Ahh yes the wonderful world of online dating.If you are single, you probably are one of the estimated 20 million people a month that visit an online dating site.And just think, that number doesn’t even include the married folks that are using online sites too!Married and looking on the Internet is a big concern to those in marriages that are having some unresolved issues.Even FACEBOOK has become one of the new ways to cheat, look up your old high school sweetheart, and pick up where you left off.Problem is people can actually become addicted to online dating, as its like window-shopping with an endless supply of merchandise.Always-new people to explore and the possibility of finding MR. or MRS perfect seem to be right around the corner. After all it should be very easy to achieve since it appears there is a bottomless pit of choices to pick from.If someone is not exactly right for them, singles are less inclined to accept it and more likely to think hey… why settle? I can always get someone else who is just that little bit more perfect online.This form of dating has changed the attitudes of those looking for a potential mate as it seems like it’s just an email or IM away to eternal happiness as opposed to years ago where you had to do the legwork and get out of the house to actually meet people.And with this instant connection of dating, so have other trends increased.I like to call it  “FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS " are much more readily found.Which I would define as … We like each other, we have a good time together, we're attracted to each other, we have a lot in common but we're not LTR material, BUT we can date until someone better comes along!"I would say the word “disposable” sure does apply here.Then there is SEXTING …Text messaging dirty little messages back and forth, to keep the interest going. Which if you find you are spending more time doing more of this, then actually talking or seeing the person, to me that is one really a lame way to have sex.Now don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that online dating is a terrible way to meet people. Many people have found great loves online. But just as many have been scammed, cheated on or lied to much more easily by using this method of dating. You must date with your feet planted firmly on the ground, and get your imagination and head out of the clouds!

Here’s a short list of pros and cons of online dating


  1. VERY easy to get a date – just post a decent profile with a decent picture and your off and running.
  2. You can “shop” more easily- an example is say you want to date only non-smokers, then you can sort your finds by that criteria
  3. You don’t have to limit your choices to your neighborhood. Can increase your odds by increasing your distance – no limits to where!


  1. Many Married-and- cheating are using the online dating sites these days as a way to meet unsuspecting singles. Not meeting in person and instead emailing and talking on the phone allow people to easily be something they are not.
  2. Picture may tell 1000 words, but nothing is more upsetting then to meet someone that doesn’t look like their picture at all. People use old pics or fake pics to make themselves more attractive then they really are. Meeting in person is when the moment of truth is set.
  3. The Blind Date: When you go on an online date, you really are going on somewhat of a “blind Date” except you have an idea of what that person looks like. Someone who doesn’t interest you can wind up monopolizing your whole evening! You get dressed, drive to go out to meet someone you almost immediately decide oh no... This one is not for me… yet winds up spending a polite amount of time with this single stranger then go home disappointed.
  4. Pass by good opportunities: Many times you may have passed someone by online; because they totally blew the way they put together their profile online. And nowhere does it count more with online dating; you only get one change to make a first impression.

Over the past 8 years I have been single since my divorce, I personally have gone on what seems like hundreds of online dates. Many of these dates taught me to have patience, and a sense of humor. When I started to feel frustrated with the whole process I decided to go back to the basics and get out and MEET people in person and not to have a mission, but to have a desire to meet someone with a mission to have fun.Attending Speed Dating and other types of activities allow you to meet face-to-face with age appropriate single men and women locally where you live and work. The events make it easy to meet other singles. You don't need to worry about whether or not anyone will talk to you. At Speed Dating, there's no need to fear rejection because at the event no one is allowed to ask someone for a date.When you think about it, there are all kinds of ways to meet people. I like to explain it as; we all have a goal, a destination to reach. To get to that destination, you could travel by plane, train, and car or bus… but once you get there you don’t really care how – you’re having too much fun to care. But some ways of traveling will be more comfortable, and faster!I personally prefer the in person way to meet people. Many people have told me when it comes to online dating, they fair much better meeting in a casual way vs. the “interview” with a first online date. For an example - men that are under the height of 5’ 9” have told me, they often get passed by when online dating as people put in the exact height they hope for. But when these great guys meet in person their personality make up for the inch or two on the wish list of any woman.Also less married and cheating attend single events, as they have to come out in the open and meet strangers that might recognize them as the married guy down the block!(I did say less, there is no guarantees as some people really have you know what... and will cheat anyway, anyhow )Check out our interactive activity events and our fun organized Speed-Dating event on the CALENDARStep away from the computer and come out and play.All the best on your quest!Gail7 in-Heaven Singles Events On your search for the one, we make being single fun!visit the web site to check out our funevents http:// www.7-in-heaven.com Opinions? Comments? Personal experiences?You can comment below anonymously


* Hungry Ghosts lost and looking for love


* Dating doesn't equate to “INSTANT GRATIFICATION”