*Is Your Dating GPS Broken?




Is Your Dating GPS Broken?


There’s a very famous Matchmaker, often refers to the ” picker.”  It’s like some sort of uncontrollable dating GPS device that steers us toward a specific type.

Do we all have just one single picker?  Seriously, when anyone discusses chasing the instant connection, I started thinking of the routes and paths we take looking for it.  Are we looking for love in the right places? Is there a right place?  Or is our GPS off course and we’ve ended up in the wrong place?

Even when all conditions are right, we’re around those who have common likes and interests, our dating GPS can still direct us the wrong way. I’d argue that we can sometimes even get lost – and you know how some of us are about asking for directions.

Do you think you follow your instincts? Do you trust what your gut tells you? Does it generally guide you in the right direction?

Are we being realistic in what we’re trying to find?  Chemistry is often thought of as the “be-all, end-all” part of a relationship. Many people completely dismiss a potential partner, someone who is a solid, grounded, honest person, because they don’t feel “it”—the spark of chemistry. Now, I’d be the first person to say that having some sexual attraction, a little “yeah baby,” is important. If the thought of kissing them or touching them doesn’t feel appealing, what’s the point?

Sometimes the question is, is it better to be lead by your head or your heart? Do you ever get a sense that your dating GPS is broken or malfunctioning? If so, how can it get fixed?  Maybe your Dating GPS can steer you towards other points of interest.  Getting to know more people and not always focusing on idealistic perfection and attraction can help.  Sometimes a 7 with an outstanding personality can end of being your perfect 10!   


*Online Dating and Unrealistic Expectations


* Why are you still Single? 9 Ways Women Sabotage Relationships