The Christmas Scavenger Hunt

Great ice- breaker game giving you the chance to meet just about everyone

Team or individual – 10 rooms to find these items Take a pic or write down where you found it !

Attractions to Find:

1.     🔅The Too Bright Show: Spot something that makes you squint and take a picture of the "brightest" moment.

2.     🐼Polar Bar: Find a drink 🍸or holiday treat 🍭 you’d share with Santa.

3.     🎡Christmas Carnival: Identify and mimic an activity you’d see at a carnival (like tossing a ring or spinning a wheel).

4.     ❄️ Snowball Fight Room: Capture a “snowball” (real or imaginary) in action!

5.     👽Nightmare Before Christmas Hallway: Find something spooky and festive in one place.

6.     🧝‍♀️Elf Command Center: Spot an elf hard at work and give them a name.

7.     💡Light Tunnel: Walk through and count how many different light colors you see.

8.     🎬📽 North Pole Movie Theater: Name a holiday movie playing or snap a shot of the screen.

9.     🎅Santa’s Workshop Illusion Room: Take a creative photo that looks like an illusion.

10.🧙‍♂️Harry Potter-Themed Room: Find and take a picture of a magical object.


Bonus Challenges:

  • 🐶Puppy Patrol: Spot a well-behaved pup and ask the owner its name.


  • 🎅Find Santa: Take a picture with Santa or something Santa-themed.


  • 📸Team Pose: Recreate a pose from a classic Christmas movie with your group.


  • 25 Christmas Countdown: Locate the number "25" somewhere in the house.


  • 👩‍🏫Elf Energy: Find someone dressed as an elf (real or statue) and take a selfie with them.


  • 🎶Holiday Tunes: Sing or hum a holiday song in one of the themed rooms.


  • Each item found or challenge completed: 1 point

  • Bonus points for creativity: 
    Up to 3 points per creative photo or unique answer

  • Team spirit (costumes, enthusiasm): 
    Up to 5 points awarded by the judge (event organizer or team leader)

Bonus point total =                   Each item found total =

SCORE TOTAL _______________________________

Questions ? CALL or Text Gail: 631 592-9804 EMAIL :