* When to hold 'em, and when to fold 'em

You got to know when to hold'em, know when to fold'em, Know when to walk away, know when to run.Dear 7 in Heaven ,I attended SPEED DATING and noticed that two girls left before the end of the event.I had noticed the one girl when we met for drinks and appetizers just before the speed dating, and I was looking forward to talking with her. So I was disappointed when she and her friend left midway through the event.I was wondering if you could, theoretically, shoot her an e-mail and say that there was a guy at the speed dating event that was looking forward to talking with her, and that he'd like to get in touch if she's interested and you could give her my contact info if she asked, and you can tell her who I was among the guys.I figure worst case scenario, she'd say she couldn't care less... Also.. I didn't get any “DATE matches” only a few “FRIEND matches” how should I approach (or not approach) these kind of matches?I appreciate your help and understanding, as well as your advice on this. I know this is not really part of your speed dating service and that other organizers would just wash their hands of any contact with clients outside of answering queries and attending events, so for what is worth, I really appreciate your efforts to help your clients. Best,X -Speed Dater

7 in Heaven wrote back.....

OK .. Mr. X- Speed-Dater,

I am first going to give you my opinion about that girl...Based on first hand experience as :1. being a woman2. a dating organizer3. running these events (hundreds of events) for 4 yearsForget that girlYES I agree with you - She was NOT the one that wanted to bail it was her Friend- who believed she was better then everyone in the room and convinced her to leaveYES that girl seemed to be taking it all in stride.But .. chasing after a woman that you did not even had a formal conversation with, will not get you points with a young attractive woman.

It will get you a smile and HER ego boost.Its not worth the risk.You have to know when to give it as try and when to walk away.Walk away on that one. - SHE left.

If she was even slightly interested in anyone she would have contacted meOn the FRIENDS thing.. Again - speaking as a WOMAN..I can tell you especially young women who have many many choices...Young women don't always dive in head first telling you they want a DATE MATCHFriends is a maybe..YES.. its a higher risk of being a dead end if you pursue

BUT - if done correctly - it can turn around in your favor

(so this one IS worth the risk in my opinion) My suggestion on FRIENDS matches is to NOT call direct.To flirt a little- text or send an email test the watersSuggest meeting up as FRIENDS for a happy hour Friday night after workMaybe suggest a bike ride in the park together to "hang out"Get my drift??FRIENDS hanging out..THEN if you go slowly ... and don't look too eager... she may OR MAY NOT ... change her mind and start to get more interested.Either way you either make a new friend OR maybe build into somethingthe saying is.. best to start off as friends.Use itGood luck

Gail Adams- Event Coordinator7 in HeavenOn your search for the one, we make being single fun!Web site-http://www.7-in-heaven.com


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