Who makes the first move?At our dating workshop 4/7/11 lead by Joe Fallarino of STAR COACHING, we discussed the topic CONFIDENT DATING TECHNIQUES and surprisingly enough, there were more men in attendance then females.Joe brought and discussed some information supplied by the book “THE RULES”. This book was written by two women with some out of touch and outdated ideas about dating, yet also includes some very real rules still alive for dating.Joe stated it was OK for a woman to make the first move, and the men in the room all seem to be agreeing with Joe!I somewhat disagreed, siting that “men were from Mars” and cavemen at heart. MEN are hunters and seekers, love the chase and don't have respect or pay much attention the the women that chase them.Joe then polled the room of men and I asked the ladies their opinion.  Joe's response from the guys was unanimous – all said they LIKED it when a woman made the first move. In fact one went to say it was sexy!Now, I am kind of old school on this one, so I was surprised to see this reaction.But I thought sure... guys like it if we make the first move, as they no longer have to worry about rejection! We women are now are put in that position. And another thought ran through my mind... only lazy or shy men will let women make the first move or how desperate a woman might be perceived by making the first move. Oh so complicated it seemed to be!Then Joe made a simple statement – how about NO RULES?Yes we need to think about our “moves” and respect each others space. It is somewhat like a game of chess each taking a turn after making a move. It doesn't matter who makes the first move or the 2nd move, but that we wait after a move to see what the reaction was to make the next move.Oh I forgot to mention that the men that said it was a turn on if the woman made the first move, also added- ONLY if they were attracted to that women. So, if they were not attracted they would be flattered but wouldn't make a 2nd move.Pursuing too hard, too fast will make the other person run no matter who makes the first move!So go ahead ladies, take some initiative when some man interests you. Maybe by doing that you will stand out from the crowd! I provide both cell numbers (texting) and emails for the soft approach of contacting for the first time.I got a call the other day to once again back this theory up, from a guy saying he was “impressed” Julie called him after the event to get together! And now he was going to check it out and take her out on a dateBut ladies, let me still caution you, don't make more then ONE move or one attempt on that first move or the table will turn. Best to go by my old rule of  “ no answer is an answer” and move on.Anyone with some stories or opinions out there?Wishing you joy on your journey, Gail7 in-Heaven Singles EventsOn your search for the one, we make being single fun!Web site- http://www.7-in-heaven.comOpinions? Comments? Personal experiences?You can comment below anonymously


* Why hasn't he called after he picked me?


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